Časový limit vaší relace brzy vyprší v důsledku neaktivity. Kliknutím na tlačítko OK prodloužíte časový limit o dalších 120 minut.
Ochranné a pracovní oděvy
Dělník, cestář, kuchař i elektrikář potřebuje speciální ochranné pracovní oděvy. Vyberte je kolegům a chraňte je před úrazy. Cestáře před nehodou ochrání speciální vesty, bundy a kalhoty s reflexními prvky. Svářeče zase ohnivzdorné kombinézy, kalhoty nebo zástěrypřed popálením. Při výběru pracovního oblečení zohledněte profesi, hledejte CE certifikaci a zvolte správnou velikost, aby se kolegové cítili celou směnu pohodlně a byli v bezpečí.
Jestli se širokou nabídkou Manutanunechcete proklikávat sami, obraťte se na naše konzultanty na číslo 800 24 24 24, rádi vám s výběrem odborně poradí.
Produkty ( 433-459 ze 1 971 )
[ { "catentry_id" : "21296973", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"945.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21295988", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"945.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21297966", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"945.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21297967", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"945.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2166037.jpg" } ]
- Tričko s řaseným límcem, který udržuje tvar.
- Silný materiál, který je velmi odolný.
- Logo CAT vytištěné bílou barvou na levé straně hrudi a na pravém rukávu
945,00 Kč bez DPH
1 143,45 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "6134404", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_46":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"46" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134405", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_48":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"48" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134406", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134407", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_52":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"52" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134408", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134409", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_56":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"56" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134410", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134411", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_60":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"60" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134412", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_62":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"62" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134413", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_64":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"64" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"729.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2745525.jpg" } ]
- Černo-oranžová pánské montérková blůza s reflexními doplňky.
- Velké náprsní kapsy s menší kapsičkou na telefon, kapsičkou na zip a praktickým poutkem s plastovým očkem schovají různé předměty potřebné k práci.
- Zapínání bočních kapes na zip zabrání nechtěnému vypadnutí předmětů z kapsy.
- Rukávy zakončené nastavitelnou manžetou.
- Kryté zapínání ke krku na zip a druky.
- Materiál polyester 65%, bavlna 35%
- Norma EN ISO 13688
- definuje všeobecné požadavky na provedení ochranných oděvů z hlediska ergonomie, nezávadnosti, označení velikostí, stárnutí, kompatibility a značení ochranných oděvů a na informace, které jsou dodávány výrobcem s ochrannými oděvy.
729,00 Kč bez DPH
882,09 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "6629691", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"699.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629692", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"699.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629693", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"699.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629694", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_62":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"62" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"699.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107574.jpg" } ]
- Pánské montérkové kalhoty, prodloužené na délku 194 cm.
- Velikost: 50, 54, 58, 62
- Rozdělení: Pánské
- Normy: EN ISO 13688
- Montérková kolekce: CXS SIRIUS
- Materiálové složení: 65 % polyester 35 % bavlna
- Gramáž: 270 g/m2
- Barva: šedo-zelená
699,00 Kč bez DPH
845,79 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11900449", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1195.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900450", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897214", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897215", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903555", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903556", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501991.jpg" } ]
- Tato bunda Bizweld Iona nabízí vynikající komfort ochranu a funkčnost. Designové prvky zahrnují skrytý uzávěr předního zipu dvě náprsní kapsy s klopami skrytou kapsu na mobilní telefon a reflexní pásku na ramenou a rukávech odolnou proti plamenům pro maximální viditelnost.
- CE certifikace
- Skryté přední zapínání na druky
- Nehořlavá reflexní páska
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Nastavitelné manžety na druky
- UPF 50+
- ARC2
- Náprsní kapsa
- 3 kapsy
- Skrytá kapsa na mobilní telefon
955,00 Kč bez DPH
1 155,55 Kč vč. DPH
kusKonkurenceschopné ceny jsou výhrou pro obě strany.
Férovost a konkurenceschopnost. Vysoce kvalitní alternativy vyráběné povětšinou v Evropě, které vám ušetří peníze a jsou šetrnější k životnímu prostředí
Zjistěte více [ { "catentry_id" : "10436989", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436990", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436991", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436992", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436993", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436994", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436995", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "10436996", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_5XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"5XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1229.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG5509472.jpg" } ]
- Pánská zateplená bunda, odolná proti vodě a větru, odepínací kapuce, vnitřní manžety v rukávech, plastové poutko pod svrchní kapsou, stahování v dolním okraji, lepené švy, TPU membrána, reflexní doplňky. Náprsní kapsy na zip nebo druky, dvě spodní kapsy na zip, 3 vnitřní kapsy.
- Velikost: S-5XL
- Sezóna: zimní
1 229,00 Kč bez DPH
1 487,09 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11903917", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903918", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XS":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XS" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900780", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897546", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11894203", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11894204", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11894205", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1795.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501892.jpg" } ]
- Tato kombinéza je určená pro velmi teplá prostředí. Je vyrobená z lehkého nehořlavého materiálu.
- Mosazný zip
- CE certifikace
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Kapsa na metr
- Kapsa na rukávu
- UPF 50+
- Nastavitelné manžety na suchý zip
- Nehořlavá páska pro průmyslové praní
- Dvoucestný zip
- 10 kapes
- Nehořlavost
- Ochrana proti sálavému konvekčnímu a kontaktnímu teplu
- Kapsy na kolenní vložky
- Ochrana před svařováním třídy 2
- XS - 4XL
1 795,00 Kč bez DPH
2 171,95 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11897035", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"4675.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897036", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"4675.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903329", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3705.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903330", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XS":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XS" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3705.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903331", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"4675.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903332", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"4675.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903382", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3705.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903383", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"4675.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502036.jpg" } ]
- Multi-protection nepromokavá prodyšná bunda která nabízí ochranu proti několika rizikům včetně vystavení teplu. Fluorescentní nehořlavé žluté nebo oranžové reflexní pruhy ochrana uživatele za snížené viditelnosti. Odnímatelná fleece vložka znamená že bunda je vhodná pro použití za všech povětrnostních podmínek. Pro plnou ochranu použijte bundu a kalhoty zároveň.
- Prodyšné oděvy
- CE certifikace
- Skrytá kapsa na telefon
- Odepínací kapuce
- Odnímatelná vložka oděvu
- Kapuce a lem se stahovací šňůrkou
- Nehořlavá reflexní páska
- Podšívka z nehořlavé bavlny
- Přístup k tisku
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Nešpinivá úprava Texpel
- Lepené švy
- ARC3
- Dvoucestný zip
- 5 kapes
- Chemikálie
- Nehořlavé ošetření nepromokavé tkaniny
- Kontrastní barvení
- XS - 4XL
3 705,00 Kč bez DPH
4 483,05 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11902261", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11899100", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1389.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11899101", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1389.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11892431", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1389.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11892432", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1389.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11895842", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1389.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503211.jpg" } ]
- Bunda DX4 Baffle je ergonomicky tvarovaná a nabízí skvělou izolaci a pohodlné nošení. Polstrované panely Insulatex pomáhají udržovat teplo u těla zatímco pletené rukávy poskytují neomezené protažení a pohyb. Dvě boční kapsy na zip a vnitřní kapsy nabízejí dostatek bezpečného úložného prostoru.
- Ochrana brady
- Stahování v lemu
- Elastické manžety
- Nový vzhled
- Reflexní paspulky
- Boční kapsy na zip
- 6 kapes
- Vnitřní kapsy
- Kontrastní barvení
- Zakřivený zadní lem
- Aktivní vzhled
- Registrovaný Community Design
- Kapsa na hrudi na zip
- Dynamická vnitřní kontrastní látka
- Tvarově mapovaný design
- Moderní design s ergonomickým střihem
- Stahováky zipů
- Kontrastní prémiové zipy
- Poznámkový blok součástí
1 389,00 Kč bez DPH
1 680,69 Kč vč. DPH
kusZáruka, která trvá a trvá...
Kvalita především. Řada výrobků s délkou záruky až 10 let*, které dlouhé vydrží a jsou šetrné k životnímu prostředí.
Zjistěte více [ { "catentry_id" : "8114224", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"545.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135641", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"545.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135642", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"545.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135643", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"545.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135644", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"545.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742784.jpg" } ]
- Pánské funkční tričko s dlouhým rukávem v černém provedení se zelenými prvky.
- Vyrobeno z materiálu, který omezuje zápach a uchovává svěžest.
545,00 Kč bez DPH
659,45 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11900766", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1835.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900767", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1835.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897533", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1835.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897534", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1835.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897535", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1835.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11894143", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1835.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501902.jpg" } ]
- Vysoce inovativní nehořlavá BizFlame Plus z odlehčeného materiálu.
- Zádový sklad
- CE certifikace
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Kapsa na metr
- Kapsa na rukávu
- Dvě zadní kapsy
- UPF 50+
- Nastavitelné manžety na suchý zip
- Nehořlavá páska pro průmyslové praní
- Elastické v bocích
- Dvoucestný zip
- 10 kapes
- Nehořlavost
- Ochrana proti sálavému konvekčnímu a kontaktnímu teplu
- Kapsy na kolenní vložky
- Třída 2 svařovací ochrany
- XS - 5XL
1 835,00 Kč bez DPH
2 220,35 Kč vč. DPH
kus- Pánské kalhoty s náprsenkou, výstražné, v zadní části pasu guma na stáhnutí, našitá kapsa na náprsence s kapsou na tužku, přední a zadní našité kapsy, boční kapsa s kapsičkou na mobil, reflexní pruhy 3M.
- Velikost: 46-64
- Rozdělení: Pánské
- Normy: EN ISO 20471
- Materiálové složení: 65% polyester 35% bavlna
- Barva: žluto-modrá
939,00 Kč bez DPH
1 136,19 Kč vč. DPH
kus Bohužel není aktuálně k dispozici
[ { "catentry_id" : "6135880", "Attributes" : { }, "AttributesLabels" :{ }, "AttributesValues" : { }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"415.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2748842.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2748842.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2748842.jpg" } ]
- Pracovní ochranná zástěra z kůže pro využití při svařování, v délce pod kolena, včetně krytí ramen.
- barva: bílá
- materiál: hovězinová štípenka
- rozměry v x š: 108 x 72 cm
- typ použití: svařování
- certifikace: EN ISO 13688, EN ISO 11611
- univerzální velikost, krytí ramen
- EN ISO 13688: Tato mezinárodní norma určuje obecné požadavky na provedení ochranných oděvů z hlediska ergonomie, nezávadnosti, označení velikostí, stárnutí, kompatibility a značení ochranných oděvů a na informace, které jsou dodávány výrobcem s ochrannými oděvy.
- EN 11611: Tato mezinárodní norma specifikuje minimální základní bezpečnostní požadavky a zkušební metody pro ochranné oděvy, včetně kukel, zástěr, rukávů a kamaší, které jsou navrženy k tomu, aby chránily tělo uživatele během svařování a procesech se srovnatelnými riziky.
415,00 Kč bez DPH
502,15 Kč vč. DPH
kus Bohužel není aktuálně k dispozici
6 100 dobrých důvodů nemýlit se.
Neustálá dostupnost. K dispozici je vždy široká řada produktů vybraných experty s možností rychlé expedice.
Zjistit více [ { "catentry_id" : "11897734", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897735", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11897736", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11904120", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11904121", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900958", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1740.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" } ]
- Ideální bunda pro moderní podnikové použití. Sportovní střih zcela vodotěsná odolná proti větru a prodyšná. Dual-tkanina vnější bundy má Oxford vyztužené oblasti pro zvýšenou odolnost a odolné zipy. Vnitřní bunda poskytuje izolaci v chladnějších podmínkách nebo může být užívána jako samostatná fleece. Výhodná kvalita funkce i styl.
- Stahování v lemu
- Límec s fleece povrchem
- Nový vzhled
- Přístup k tisku
- Přední klopa
- Nastavitelné manžety na suchý zip
- Kapsy na zip
- Kapuce s kšiltem a stahováním
- Voděodolné zipy
- Stahování pase
- Interaktivní fleece
- Přední zip
- Oxford polyester odolný proti otěru
- 6 kapes
- S podšívkou
- Voděodolné prodyšné a větruvzdorné bundy 3v1 s lepenými švy
- Skrytá kapsa na mobilní telefon
- Kapuce v límci
- Ideální jako firemní oblečení a pro personalizaci
- Povrchová úprava Texpel Splach
1 740,00 Kč bez DPH
2 105,40 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11553806", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"550.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11553807", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"550.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11553808", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"550.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11553809", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"550.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6042275.jpg" } ]
- Pánský modrý pracovní plášť z bavlny s dlouhými rukávy.
- Dvě velké přední kapsy pro uložení drobností.
- Rychlé zapínání a odepínání pomocí cvoků.
550,00 Kč bez DPH
665,50 Kč vč. DPH
kus- This garment portrays all the original styling of the modern-day work trouser. Constructed from our rugged Kingsmill fabric the Super Work Trouser is built to take on the toughest of jobs. Key features include kneepad pockets hammer loop and cargo pockets for added security.
- Kapsy na kolenní vložky
- Kapsa na metr
- UPF 50+
- Elastické v bocích
- 6 kapes
- Nastavitelná délka nohavic
559,00 Kč bez DPH
676,39 Kč vč. DPH
kus Bohužel není aktuálně k dispozici
[ { "catentry_id" : "14631604", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14630301", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2459.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14630302", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14626816", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14626817", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XS":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XS" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14629224", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14629225", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1955.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878903.jpg" } ]
- Tato stylová dámská verze modelu T400 navržená a vyzkoušená ženami vám zajistí že budete vyčnívat z davu. Vyrobeno z naší známé 300D Oxford PU potažené trvanlivé tkaniny odolné proti skvrnám. Tato bunda poskytuje pohodlné nošení. Mezi chytré konstrukční prvky patří tepelně reflexní obkladový panel Insulatex několik kapes na zip pro bezpečné uložení a technologie EZEE zipu.
- CE certifikace
- Odepínací kapuce
- Odepínací ID visačka
- Stahování v lemu
- Ergonomicky tvarovaná kapuce
- Dámské oděvy
- Nový vzhled
- Přístup k tisku
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Nešpinivá úprava Texpel
- Dvojité švy
- UPF 40+
- Nastavitelné manžety na suchý zip
- Vnitřní reflexní lemování
- Prošitá podšívka
- 4 kapsy
- Nepromokavé s lepenými švy
- Kontrastní fleece límec
- Skrytá kapsa na mobilní telefon
- Reflexní páska HiVixTex Pro
- Zakřivený zadní lem
1 955,00 Kč bez DPH
2 365,55 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "14627175", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14628578", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3815.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14628579", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14632454", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3815.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14632455", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "14632456", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"3025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7878933.jpg" } ]
- Prémiová zimní kombinéza PW3 Hi-Vis kombinující celkovou bezpečnost s nejmodernějším designem. Kombinéza je vyroben z naší renomované odolné textilie odolné vůči skvrnám 300D Oxford PU má mnoho vynikajících funkcí včetně odepínatelné kapuce s podšívkou zimního polstrování pro maximální tepelnou ochranu extra dlouhých bočních zipů pro snadnější nasazení a sundání a 8 kapes pro bezpečné uložení věcí včetně kapes na kolena s horním plněním.
- CE certifikace
- Odepínací ID visačka
- Plně elastický pas
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Reflexní paspulky
- Nešpinivá úprava Texpel
- Přední klopa
- Dvojité švy
- UPF 40+
- Nastavitelné manžety na suchý zip
- Přední zip
- Prošitá podšívka
- Vrchem plněné kapsy na kolenní vložky
- 8 kapes
- Nepromokavé s lepenými švy
- Postranní zip na nohavici
- Zateplené Insulatex podšívkou
- Reflexní páska HiVixTex Pro
- Povrchová úprava Texpel Splach
- Certifikováno po 50 pracích cyklech
- Registrovaný Community Design
3 025,00 Kč bez DPH
3 660,25 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "6136086", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_46":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"46" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6136087", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_48":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"48" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6136089", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_60":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"60" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6136090", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_62":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"62" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6136091", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_64":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"64" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134920", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134921", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_52":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"52" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134922", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134923", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_56":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"56" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6134924", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "16452358", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_44":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"44" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "16452359", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_68":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"68" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "16452408", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_66":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"66" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"669.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742819.jpg" } ]
- Šedá pánská montérková blůza s černými doplňky.
- Velké náprsní kapsy s menší kapsičkou na telefon, kapsičkou na zip a praktickým poutkem s plastovým očkem schovají různé předměty potřebné k práci.
- Zapínání bočních kapes na zip zabrání nechtěnému vypadnutí předmětů z kapsy.
- Ramena vyztužena materiálem 600D polyester a rukávy zakončené nastavitelnou manžetou.
- Kryté zapínání ke krku na zip a na druky.
- Materiál 65% polyester, 35% bavlna.
- EN ISO 13688: Tato mezinárodní norma určuje obecné požadavky na provedení ochranných oděvů z hlediska ergonomie, nezávadnosti, označení velikostí, stárnutí, kompatibility a značení ochranných oděvů a na informace, které jsou dodávány výrobcem s ochrannými oděvy.
669,00 Kč bez DPH
809,49 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "21296977", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1695.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268868.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268868.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268868.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21296978", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1695.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268871.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268871.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268871.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21297961", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1695.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268894.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268894.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2268894.jpg" } ]
- Tričko s dlouhými rukávy a výstřihem do V.
- Prošité švy. Extrémně měkký pocit.
- Lehké a pohodlné s dobrým odvodem vlhkosti.
- Vlastní nehořlavost & antistatické vlastnosti.
1 695,00 Kč bez DPH
2 050,95 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11903747", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2965.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903748", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2965.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903749", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2965.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900620", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2965.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900621", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2965.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11893989", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2965.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6501929.jpg" } ]
- Kombinéza HiVis Anti-Static nabízí optimální řešení. Obsahuje kryté mosazné zipy na náprsních kapsách a předním zapínání.
- Mosazný zip
- CE certifikace
- Skrytý mosazný zip na náprsní kapse
- Nehořlavá reflexní páska
- Kapsy na kolenní vložky
- Smyčka na radiostanici
- Kapsa na metr
- Kapsa na rukávu
- UPF 50+
- Nastavitelné manžety na suchý zip
- Boční přístup
- Dvoucestný zip
- 9 kapes
- Ochrana proti sálavému konvekčnímu a kontaktnímu teplu
- Certifikovaná ochrana proti postřiku roztaveným kovem
- Kontrastní barvení
- Ochrana před svařováním třídy 2
2 965,00 Kč bez DPH
3 587,65 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "6630463", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6673141", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6673142", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6673143", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6673144", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6673145", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6673146", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_4XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1049.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107693.jpg" } ]
- Zateplená bunda 2v1, odepínací kapuce, odepínací rukávy, rukávy a dolní okraj zakončeny regulovatelnou manžetou, lepené švy, vnitřní kapsa, reflexní výpustky, voděodolnost 3 000mm, paropropustnost 3 000g/m2/24 hod.
- Velikost: S-XXXXL
- Sezóna: Zimní
- Rozdělení: Pánské
- Normy: EN ISO 13688:2014, EN14058:2004
- Materiálové složení: 100% polyester, podšívka 100% polyester, výplň 100% polyester
- Barva: hnědo-černá
1 049,00 Kč bez DPH
1 269,29 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "6135170", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135171", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_52":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"52" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135172", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135173", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_56":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"56" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135174", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135197", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_62":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"62" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135353", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_48":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"48" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135357", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_60":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"60" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135358", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_64":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"64" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135365", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_46":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"46" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6135620", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_68":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"68" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6119501", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_66":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"66" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"435.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2742730.jpg" } ]
- Černé pánské montérky s laclem s oranžovými doplňky.
- Náprsní kapsa na zip, velké přední a menší boční kapsy schovají telefon, metr a další drobné předměty potřebné k práci.
- Zdvojená vyztužená partie kolen pomůže při častém klečení.
- Kšandy do gumy se zapínáním na plastovou přezku.
- EN ISO 13688: Tato mezinárodní norma určuje obecné požadavky na provedení ochranných oděvů z hlediska ergonomie, nezávadnosti, označení velikostí, stárnutí, kompatibility a značení ochranných oděvů a na informace, které jsou dodávány výrobcem s ochrannými oděvy.
435,00 Kč bez DPH
526,35 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11895319", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1629.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11901749", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1629.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11901750", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1629.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11901751", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1629.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11901752", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1629.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11904512", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1629.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503628.jpg" } ]
- Nepromokavá bomber bunda s reflexními prvky pro univerzální použití.
- Odnímatelná kožešinová podšívka a límec, odepínací kapuce a rukávy - lze vytvořit výstražnou vestu.
- Vybavená celkem osmi kapsami pro ukládání věcí.
- Dvoucestný zip, lepené švy, žebrované manžety na rukávech.
- Tkanina odráží 98 % UV záření (50+ UPF), vodní sloupec 15 000 mm.
- Podšívka 100% polyester, vnější tkanina 100% polyester, PU zátěr 190 g, výplň rukávů 100% polyester 120 g.
- Bunda splňuje normy ANSI/ISEA 107 TYPE R Třída 3, AS 4602.1 Třída D/N, EN 343:2019 Třída 3:1 X (WP 15,000mm), EN 342 (0.344 (M².K/W), 2, X), EN ISO 20471 Třída 3.
- 300D Oxford Weave je materiál vyrobený ze 300 Denier 100% polyesteru, má vysokou odolnost proti roztržení, voděodolný povrch a pomáhá udržovat tkaninu déle čistou.
- Povrchová úprava TEXPEL™ - SPLASH: Extrémní odolnost vůči vodě, vysoká prodyšnost, pomáhá odpuzovat nečistoty a předcházet skvrnám.
1 629,00 Kč bez DPH
1 971,09 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "6629945", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_46":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"46" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629946", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_48":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"48" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629947", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629948", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_52":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"52" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629949", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629950", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_56":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"56" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629951", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629952", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_60":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"60" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629953", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_62":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"62" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "6629954", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_64":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"64" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3107602.jpg" } ]
- Pánské montérkové kalhoty s náprsenkou, ze strečové tkaniny umožňující volný pohyb.
- Velikost: 46 - 64
- Montérková kolekce: CXS STRETCH
- Materiálové složení: 98% bavlna 2% elastan
- Gramáž: 250 g/m2
- Barva: tmavě modré-černé
1 219,00 Kč bez DPH
1 474,99 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "12502689", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_38":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"38" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12502690", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_42":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"42" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12502691", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_44":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"44" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12502692", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12502693", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12503266", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_52":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"52" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12503602", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_40":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"40" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12503603", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_48":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"48" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12503604", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12503605", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_56":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"56" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "12502473", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_46":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"46" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1219.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6752157.jpg" } ]
- Dámské montérkové kalhoty s náprsenkou, strečová tkanina umožňující volný pohyb, náprsní kapsa s klopou, pas s poutky na opasek, přední kapsy s kapsou na zip, multifunkční kapsy na obou stranách, kolena zesílena 600D polyesterem, dvě zadní kapsy - je
- Velikost: 38-58
- Reflexní doplňky: Ano
1 219,00 Kč bez DPH
1 474,99 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "11903991", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_5XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"5XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1619.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903992", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903993", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903994", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7383412.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7383412.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7383412.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11903995", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XS":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XS" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11900842", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11898398", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_4XL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"1619.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7383412.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7383412.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG7383412.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11898399", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_L":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11898400", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"2025.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503723.jpg" } ]
- Multifunkční nepromokavá dlouhá bunda s reflexním označením pro vysokou viditelnost.
- Vnější a vnitřní odnímatelná bunda, lze nosit také jako vestu.
- Celkem 7 kapes pro ukládání věcí, dvoucestný zip, kapuce v límci, nastavitelné manžety.
- Tkanina odráží 98 % UV záření (50+ UPF), vodní sloupec 15 000 mm.
- Vnější tkanina 100% polyester, PU zátěr 190 g, podšívka 100% polyesterová síťovina 60g, vnitřní bunda 100% polyester Fleece 280 g.
- Splňuje normy EN ISO 20471 Třída 3, RIS-3279-TOM ISSUE 1, EN 343:2019 Třída 3:1 X WP 15,000 mm, EN 342 0.352 (M².K/W), 2, X, AS/NZS 4602.1:2011 Třída D/N.
- 300D Oxford Weave je materiál vyrobený ze 300 Denier 100% polyesteru, má vysokou odolnost proti roztržení, voděodolný povrch a pomáhá udržovat tkaninu déle čistou.
- Povrchová úprava TEXPEL™ - SPLASH: Extrémní odolnost vůči vodě, vysoká prodyšnost, pomáhá odpuzovat nečistoty a předcházet skvrnám.
1 619,00 Kč bez DPH
1 958,99 Kč vč. DPH
kus [ { "catentry_id" : "7317344", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_46":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"46" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317345", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_48":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"48" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317346", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_50":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"50" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317347", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_52":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"52" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317348", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_54":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"54" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317349", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_56":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"56" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317350", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_58":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"58" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317351", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_60":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"60" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317352", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_62":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"62" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "7317353", "Attributes" : { "Velikost_64":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001887794":"Velikost" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001887794":"64" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"289.00" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG3316821.jpg" } ]
- Pánské montérkové kraťasy, pas s poutky na opasek, přední klínové kapsy, boční kapsa s klopou, kapsa na skládací/ svinovací metr, zadní jednoduchá kapsa na pravé straně.
- Velikost: 46 - 64
- Normy: EN ISO 13688
- Montérková kolekce: CXS PHOENIX
- Materiálové složení: 65 % polyester 35 % bavlna
- Gramáž: 190 g/m2
- Barva: šedo-červená
289,00 Kč bez DPH
349,69 Kč vč. DPH
kus { searchResult: { pageSize: 27, searchTerms: '', totalPageNumber: 73, totalResultCount: 1971, currentPageNumber:17, attributes: "" } }
Pracovní oblečení má být především pohodlné a bezpečné
Maximální pohyblivost, pohodlí a bezpečí při práci je pro všechny vaše zaměstnance zásadní. Dělají v pracovních oděvech 8 až 12hodinové směnya během nich už špatný střih i materiál odhalí rychle. Volbou kvalitního a dobře padnoucího kusu oblečení jim umožníte snadné ohýbání, klekání v kalhotáchbez nepříjemného zařezávání v tříslech či sjíždění z boků. Když zvolíte vzdušný bavlněný nebo funkční materiál, kolegové vám poděkují i v létě. Aby vydrželi v zimě venku i hodiny, vyzkoušejte pod bundy hřejivé flanelové košile.
Sepsali jsme také, jak se vyhnete úrazům v létě díky kvalitním pracovním oděvům. >>
Vyberte pracovní oblečení podle profese
Ověřené značky oblečení jako Portwest, CXCnebo naše privátní značka Manutanvám usnadní výběr oděvů přesně pro zaměření vaší firmy. Každý kus je speciálně navržený tak, aby vyhovoval pohybům i ochraně zdraví vašich kolegův jejich typickém pracovním prostředí.
- Do provozu, kde často manipulujete s chemikáliemi, pořiďte například jednorázové ochranné overaly.
- Do restaurací a jídelen doporučujeme speciální gastro oděvy, které odpovídají potravinářským normám a jsou prodyšné.
- Montérům traf a elektrických zařízení pořiďte antistatická trička a soupravys nehořlavou vrstvou materiálu, které je ochrání před elektrickým obloukem.
- Cestářům, dělníkům na stavbách i skladníkům vyberte reflexní oděvy podle našeho návoduna blogu. Vyberete tak správně typ reflexní barvy i materiál oděvu.
- Svářeče oblékněte do ohnivzdorných kombinéz či zástěr a opatřete jim i svářečské helmy a rukavice.
- Lesníky, stavaře a montéry vybavte nepromokavými oděvydo deštěa nezapomeňte na zateplené oblečenía zimní kukly.
- Do potravinářských a lékařských provozů nakupte jednorázové overalya jednorázové návleky na boty. Proti kontaminaci provozu pořiďte i hygienické čepice.
- Pokud máte kolem sebe partu instalatérů nebo skladníků, kteří potřebují pracovní oděvyz odolného materiálu se spoustou kapes a poutek, vyberte jim montérky nebo pracovní kalhoty s trojitým prošitím švů a pasem ze strečového materiálu, aby byly pohodlné.